DOB: January 12, 2024
Sex: Male
Neutered: Yes
Good with kids: Yes! But I prefer older kids because sometimes I can be a little sensitive as to how I am being petted!
Good with dogs: Unknown
Good with cats: Yes
Hi I’m Arluck! Could I be your match?
About Me
I'm a cuddly dude who loves chilling in or next to your lap. Perfect for after work or when you’re stressed.
My favorite toys are scratching toys—perfect for a fun play session.
I have a cute voice and won't hesitate to use it if I want something (typically snacks or cuddles!). I am pretty treat motivated!
I'm known for being cuddly, social, talkative, and easy going.
Fun fact: I love giving HUGS! My love language is definitely physical affection.
A little extra: I spent my entire life outdoors as a stray and sadly lost both ears to frostbite, but do not fret, even though I had a rocky start, I am ready for a brand new beginning.
My Ideal Home
My foster family says I'm looking for a loving, caring, and dedicated home that will keep me safe, give me lots of love, and respect my boundaries. I think I'd do well as an only cat or in a home with one other friendly feline.
If you would like to add me to your family please submit an adoption application.